What to Expect with Tooth Extraction?

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Tooth extraction is the process of removing the tooth out from its socket in the bone. Tooth extraction is sometimes a necessary procedure in situations where the tooth is severely damaged that it cannot be restored. It is a common procedure done to both children and adults. 

Permanent teeth usually last a lifetime. However, there are several reasons why tooth extraction is needed, aside from severely damaged or decayed tooth. These reasons might include:

tooth extraction

  • Teeth crowding. Tooth extraction may be necessary to prepare the mouth for orthodontic treatment. The purpose of orthodontia is to align and correct the teeth properly. Also, if a tooth fails to erupt because there is not enough space in the mouth, the dentist may recommend extracting it.
  • Infection. If tooth decay or damage had extended in the tooth’s pulp, the bacteria in the mouth could penetrate the pulp, which may result in infection. Usually, this is treated with root canal treatment, but if the infection is so severe, pulling out the tooth may be an appropriate action to prevent the spread of the infection.
  • Risk of infection. If the patient’s immune system has been compromised, even the risk of infection in a particular tooth may be enough reason for tooth extraction.
  • Periodontal disease. If periodontal disease has caused the teeth to loosen, extracting the teeth may be needed.

What happens during tooth extraction?

Dentists and oral surgeons are the ones who are responsible for performing a tooth extraction. Before the tooth is pulled out, a proper plan is designed in place. Dentists and oral surgeons use digital x-ray of the tooth and the surrounding areas to determine the safest and most effective way of pulling out the tooth. A local anesthetic is administered to the patient to numb the area of the affected tooth. There will also be instances where a strong general anesthetic is used to prevent pain in the entire body, and this will make the patient unconscious throughout the procedure.

If the tooth is impacted, the dentist will cut away gum and bone tissue that cover the tooth. A dental instrument called forceps is used in grasping and gently rocking the tooth back and forth. This will loosen the tooth from the jawbone and ligaments that hold it in place. Sometimes, a tooth that is hard to remove is cut into pieces for it to be able to easily and efficiently removed.

After the tooth has been pulled out, the dentist will place a gauze pad on the wound and have the patient bite it down. This will prevent the wound from further bleeding and promotes the formation of a blood clot in the socket. Sometimes, the dentist may also place a few stitches to close the gum edges over the affected area.

A blood clot in the socket may sometimes dislodge, resulting in an exposed bone in the socket. The painful condition is called a dry socket. It is often caused by using a straw and spitting forcefully. If this happens, it is best to contact the dentist immediately. The dentist will likely place a dressing over the socket for a few days to protect it as a new clot form.

Looking for a safe and pain-free procedure? Book an appointment with us, call and visit us at 3455 4th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55408. Rojas Family Dental have caring and dedicated staff to help you feel pleasant during your Teeth Extractions in Minneapolis, MN.